The Tactile Research Laboratory at NAMRL
of Research
Performed at or Related to the Work at the Laboratory
1995 -
2000 -
In Press / In Preparation
Some exist as pdf files - Contact R. Cholewiak (rcholewi[at]princeton.edu)
for availability
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- Cholewiak, R. W. & Collins, A. A. (1995).
Vibrotactile pattern discrimination and communality at several body sites. Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 724-737.
- Goble, A. K., Collins, A. A. & Cholewiak, R. W. (1996).
Vibrotactile threshold in young and old observers: The effects of spatial summation and the presence of a rigid surround. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99, 2256-2269.
- Cholewiak, R. W., Collins, A. A., & Hakami, C. D. (1997).
Dynamic tactile pattern perception: Designing "easy" patterns. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society: 38th Annual Meeting , Philadelphia, PA, 2, 20-21.
- Cholewiak, R. W. & Collins, A. A. (1997).
Individual differences in the vibrotactile perception of a "simple" pattern set. Perception & Psychophysics, 59(6), 850-866.
- Cholewiak, R. W. & Reschke, M. F. (1997).
Studies of the Interactions Between Vestibular Function and Tactual Orientation
Display Systems. NASA Technical Reports (Johnson Space Center), Accession
Number: 97N24996; Document ID: 19970025442
- Cholewiak, R. W. (1999).
The perception of tactile distance: Influences of body site, space, and time. Perception, 28(7), 851-875.
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- Cholewiak, R. W., & Collins, A. A. (2000).
The generation of vibrotactile patterns on a linear array: Influences of body site, space, and time. Perception & Psychophysics, 62(6), 1220-1235. ***
- Cholewiak, R. W., Rupert, A. H. & McGrath, B. J. (2000)
A tactile display for situation awareness: Applications to postural control for aging persons. A
presentation at the International Sensory Aids Conference, May 2000, Crossmead Conference Centre, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.
- Cholewiak, R. W. (2000).
Sensory and perceptual issues in the perception of tactile stimuli. Paper presented at the Invited presentation to the Palliative Care Group at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York City, NY. (Sept 7).
- Cholewiak, R. W. (2000).
Spatial issues in the perception of vibrotactile stimuli: We don't all feel the same. Paper presented at the Unilever Neurosensory Workshop, Englewood, NJ (Nov 27 ).
- Cholewiak, R. W. (2001).
Anatomical and physiological issues in the perception of spatial stimuli. Tutorial presentation at the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories, Spatial Orientation Laboratory, Pensacola, FL (Feb 7).
- Cholewiak, R. W., Collins, A. A., & Brill, J. C. (2001).
Spatial factors in vibrotactile pattern perception. Paper presented at the Eurohaptics 2001 Conference, July 1-4, 2001, Birmingham, England.
- Cholewiak, R. W., Collins, A. A., & Brill, J. C. (2001).
Vibrotactile spatial resolution in linear arrays. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society: 42nd Annual Meeting , Orlando, FL, 6, 22.
- Cholewiak, R. W., Collins, A. A., & Langberg, E. (2001).
Transducer effects in vibrotactile pattern perception. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society: 42nd Annual Meeting , Orlando, FL, 6, 38.
- Cholewiak, R. W. (2002).
Vibrotactile Pattern Perception: Effects of Space, Place, and Age. Invited Presentation to the Social Science Faculty of the University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany (May 24).
- Cholewiak, R. W. (2002).
Tactile pattern perception: What and where did it happen? Presentation at the Scientific Seminar Series of the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Spatial Orientation Laboratory, Pensacola, FL (June 12).
- Cholewiak, R. W., & Collins, A. A. (2002).
Vibrotactile pattern localization: Influences of body site and aging. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society: 43rd Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, 7, 18.
- Cholewiak, R. W., Rupert, A. H., & McGrath, B. J. (2002).
Tactile Displays for Information Transmission and Situation Awareness. Demonstration to the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (Dec 9-14).
- Cholewiak, R. W., & Beede, K. (2003).
Tracking of Tactile Stimuli On a Dense Multidimensional Array I. Vibrotactile
Localization. Presentation to the Meetings of the Tactile Research Group ,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 6.
- Cholewiak, R. W., & Collins, A. A. (2003).
Vibrotactile localization on the arm: Effects of place, space, and age.
Perception & Psychophysics, 65(7), 1058-1077.
- Cholewiak, R. W., Schwab, A., & Beede, K. (2003).
Vibrotactile apparent motion on the abdomen: Effect of presentation mode.
Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society: 44th Annual Mtg, 8, 112. Vancouver, BC,
- Cholewiak, R. W., Brill, J. C., & Schwab, A. (2004).
Vibrotactile localization on the abdomen: Effects of place and space. Perception
& Psychophysics, 66(6), 970-987.
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Cholewiak, R. W., & Beede, K. (2005).
The Representation of Space through Static and Dynamic Tactile Displays.
Paper presented at the "Virtual Reality International Conference" in conjunction
with the Human Computer Interaction 2005, Las Vegas, NE (22-27 July).
Cholewiak, R. W. (2005).
How, What, and Where is the Skin Aware: Studies in Tactual Localization.
Invited presentation to the Department of Psychology, Villanova University,
Villanova PA. (27 October).
- Cholewiak, R. W., & McGrath, C. M. (2006).
Vibrotactile targeting in multimodal systems: Accuracy and Interaction. Paper
presented at the "Virtual Reality 2006 Conference" in conjunction with the IEEE
Conference, Arlington VA (22-23 March).
Mortimer, B. M., Zets, G. A., & Cholewiak, R. W. (2007).
Vibrotactile transduction and transducers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121,
In Press
- Cholewiak, R. W., & Collins, A. A. (in review).
Integrative processes in the
masking of a vibrotactile pattern set. Perception & Psychophysics (submitted
September 2003).

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Updated: Jan 06